Get a headstart in NTSE Entrance test by availing NTSE training in Gorakhpur

Get a headstart in NTSE Entrance test  by availing NTSE training in Gorakhpur

In today's world, education is considered as an essential requirement to enhance one's career. Many high school pass outs look for financial assistance to pursue their dream career. Scholarships are the most desired form of financial aid, as unlike an education loan, you do not have to repay the scholarship. Getting a scholarship on merit is a great achievement for the student as it comes with multiple benefits for him or her. Students can get NTSE training in Gorakhpur from reputable academic schools which facilitates its students in achieving success in the competitive examinations.

 Advantages of getting scholarships

  • It helps to avoid debts. Many students graduate with substantial loan debts. Then they spend a considerable amount of time in their jobs to repay that debt. Since early jobs are not very high paying, it increases the burden on the students. 
  • It helps to improve performance and enhance other skill sets as the financial concerns are taken care of. 
  • Getting a scholarship is considered prestigious for the students, and it helps to make a students resume stand out while on a job search. It also makes a good impact on the mind of the prospective employers.

NTSE scholarships

National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a highly rated pan India level scholarship program. It is organized by NCERT( National Council of Educational Research & Training) to tap into student's potential and reward meritious students. Any student of Indian nationality and studying in class X are eligible to appear in this exam. This exam is quite prestigious and tough, and out of fifty lakhs students who appear every year, only about 1000 are selected for scholarships. Students opt for NTSE training in Gorakhpur in reputable coaching schools to crack this examination.

Examination Format 

This examination is conducted at two levels. 

  • The first level - It consists of SAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test ), which has reasoning ability and logical thinking type questions such as true/ false, arranging and matching sequence, etc. The second test is the MAT( Mental Ability Test). This test is conducted so as to gauge the power of reasoning where questions are based on classifications, analogies, decoding, problem-solving, etc.

Since this level is linked to aptitude and mental ability, many students take the help of some of the Best Career Counselling School in Gorakhpur who are experienced guides and helps the students to apply for the right entrance examinations based on the students' potential. 

  • The second level – NCERT has stage 2 examinations where negative markings have been introduced. For every correct answer, the candidate gets one mark, and an incorrect answer deducts 1/3 marks. This format is examination is strategically designed so as to test students mental abilities, languages, scholastic aptitudes and social sciences

Getting the Scholarship

Last but not the least, students who clear the second level get the NTSE scholarship. There are no other criteria for getting this scholarship. This simple and straight entrance format has opened many lucrative opportunities for schools to provide NTSE training in Gorakhpur to deserving students.

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